I don't have to preach to you folks that handgunning takes a lot of discipline. Some of you may not realize it because you actually enjoy putting your time in. But not only does it take the discipline of knowing your gun, you also have to know your limitations, and accept that you may see game that you may not be able to shoot. Many people cannot handle this, there is a pressure built into hunting for many, that they must succeed. Around here its funny, almost like a competition of who can shoot the first deer and get to the local coffee shop first with the tail gate down. I know I won't get a shot every time out, but I also know that if I put my time in, I will get a nice deer for the freezer.

Land around here is getting tougher to find, clubs are forming, houses being built or whatnot. I don't have the funds to pay to hunt or to go somewhere for a hunt. I'd love to shoot a hog, I imagine they are quite tasty, but for now, I'm stuck with the game of chasing some of these chunky does around here. And that game aint that bad.

I went from pow to Boom. I love the BOOM!