We don't have anything quite like that but my dad has made what we call windmill blinds although they aren't windmills just homemade tripod like stands with bass boat seats and rails to keep you from falling out when you get too comfortable. One of them has a metal grate that is about 4ft in diameter that also has a bass boat seat in it. He has tucked them into groups of cedar trees with great results.

As for me I don't have anything in the luxury department, while in college I carried a crotch stand in the car and carried it in everytime I hunted.

When my grandpa first started making his latter platforms he was teased about how you could dance on them.
this is a small version of his and the girl in the picture hunted with me in a couple of these comfortably, or as comfortable as a cold windy day in Kansas can be.

Looking at your blind in the picture though I know my dad is still thinking of building one pretty close to it, he just hasn't decided if its worth doing since anyone who uses it will be bowhunting out of it and we have some type of stand to cover our needs for about any situtation that we may run into on the properties we currently hunt.

Very neat blind you have there