I had one of these. My little cousin bought it for me for my birthday cause he knew I liked "outdoorsy" stuff, as he calls it.

I hated it. I grew up learning how to use a compass and a topo map correctly. Knowing how to allow for declination, reverse bearings and such. That little unit drove me nuts. Trying to remember what button to push, and how many times to push it to make it do what I wanted.

MUCH easier for me to use a cammenga compass, and a topo map. It has NEVER failed me, no batteries to worry about, and frankly, its a skill I think everyone should have at their disposal.

My suggestion is the same as Redline's. Use the money you already have and get the cammenga compass (or something similar), a topo map, and a orienteering book to learn how to use the compass properly, and have money left over. Or keep saving a little longer, and get a better device if you'd rather have the electronic device. The better electronic devices work fine as that is what my dad uses, but I personally don't trust anything that runs on batteries when I'm in the outdoors. Keep a spare with ya, and you'd probably be fine though.

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.