Originally Posted By: nuclearweasel
It took me several years of "trying" before i saw any success. My biggest problem, and it may be yours as well, was confidence. At first I would bring a rifle with me to the stand, but i always seemed to defer to the rifle when game appeared. I realized the rifle had to stay at the house if I were to succeed. I practiced with my 10 inch Contender until i could hit a two liter soda bottle at 75 yards, it was routine, but when a deer would walk out at 35 i would second guess myself into waiting until there was no longer a shot oppurtunity. None of us are out to condemn an animal we enjoy and respect to a slow death, and that very thought can keep you from doing something well within your skill set. Once I broke the confidence barrier the kills started coming with more regularity. My first successfull kill was a complete fluke, i was looking at a feeder 70 yards away when a large doe walked out in front of me at a dozen or so paces. I placed the shot well and she went down as hard as any deer i'd ever shot with a rifle. The crucial thing was that i saw what a .41 magnum could do to game, and that i could do what needed to be done. Don't rush yourself. Just know that the first one is the hard one.
This say`s a lot and I have to give you guys credit for telling us that you have not made any handgun kills. I can only imagine how many other posters are in the same position as you guys but talk like they just got back from safari....Your day will come and we will all know about it from the pictures you will post. If there is anything I can help you with just ask. Good luck and good hunting. Your friend in Jersey

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