My first kill was a cottontail rabbit with my dads 4'' Smith and Wesson model 28 that he purchased from a retired Virginia state trooper in the 80's complete with the S&W made duty holster. We were driving around the farm one afternoon when I spotted the rabbit and told my dad I was going to take it with the 28. He thought I was nuts but turned his Cadillac towards the rabbit to get closer. The rabbit took off for the woods when my dad turned the car and I thought I wasn't going to get a shot. At this point I'm holding onto the moving car with one hand while hanging out of the window of the car shooting double action with the other. The rabbit was about to hit the woods when my first shot hit the dirt next to it which caused it to turn and run broadside to me. I slung the revolver out in front of the running rabbit and the second shot center punched it through the lungs. Yes it was a lucky shot but was my first kill. The other day my mother gave my wife some old family photos and one of them was of me standing in the kitchen holding that rabbit in one hand and the 28 in the other .