The firing pin issue was a bad run of pins. Not a long standing issue. At least they can be changed out in seconds. Have one go bad on a ruger and change that one out quickly

I have drug my FAs through mud and muck for years, never a hiccup and way more accurate than I am. Honestly, I've never bought a bfr, I've used them but never did buy one. Couldn't get past the look of them personally. Very square and blocky to my eye but some love them. They are good guns or they wouldn't still be around, that much is obvious. But, I've been sing the FAs for so long, it's just my preference.

I don't remember where you are in KS but if anywhere near KC, or remind me where you are and I would be happy to stop while I'm traveling all over and you can shoot my FA 475 next to your bfr and make a decision that way. That's really the only way to decide is to have them side by side. Other than that and you get a lot of the I like mine comments which is great but since guns handling/shooting characteristics are so dependent on the shooter and the shooters style for perceived comfort and accuracy, you need to have them both to tell what you like the best. Everyone loves the Bisley, I personally have spent a LOAD of money on bisley so over the years. I can not for the life of me make myself like that grip frame. The FA handles heavy recoil much better than the Bisley to me. Others will see completely opposite. Just a thought if you have time to shoot one say and aren't in a big hurry. Never know, lately with my traveling, I could pass through tomorrow

"Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt"