I read the 'fixed' as 'iron, not scope'. But I've been wrong before.

I'm in the 'shoot what you can hit' camp too. Mine have been under 50 yards with iron sites. My only scoped deer (t/c .270) was about 6 yards. The scope was not helping a bit. I was waiting to see if anything with horn was going to follow the two does over the crest, when the first one about walked into me. She was backing away when I shot her. All I saw was fur in the scope. I much prefer iron sites, but my .270 came with a scope and no rear site. I've taken to using an iron site (usally .44m) in hand for close stuff, and having a longer reaching pistol if I need it for longer shots. North Georgia is pretty tight hunting, and over 50 yards is not often offered.
