this is getting out of context, I originally asked is it fair to say Im racing my Honda civic vs another Honda civic but mines has a Lamborghini engine in it.

and the Same applies to Bullets and gun types,
If you own a SRH in 44 mag then someone comes with a Tc contender with a .308 you already lost the "Handgun hunting Title IMO.

Again this is not a bash, go hunting bear handed if that's what you like im all for it. This was just a conversation starter that its starting to get people offended.

There is not a single person here who can justify my Honda civic argument. I just thought the same applied to "HANDGUN HUNTING" can you REALLY and I mean REALLY say Im handgun hunting if your u sing a .308 round? while oh lets say James is taking game with a .41 magnum? as he posted not to long ago?

AGAIN not bashing or trying to insult anyone this is mere a question that obviously has a lot of answers and discussion potential

Last edited by Rmagnum1183; 09/04/2015 10:13 PM.