I think we might have stumbled across the age old discussion that started when some young whipper-snapper started throwing a long pointy stick at something he wanted to eat rather then then the heavy round rock which was tradition at the time.

In the spirit of the original question that started the post. I shoot a rifle round because I can. I shoot a 30-30 in a TC because I find it cool and interesting. For me, it has a lot more history then a 44 mag or many of the big bore pistol cartridges that have been developed in the last ~20 years. I shoot it because I have my grandfathers 1908 vintage Winchester 94 in 30-30 that he used to hunt deer and elk. I do not ask to be judged for this choice, only that I be allowed to contribute to the community with which I share a passion.

In the spirit of the discussion, maybe we should discuss the ethics, challenges and satisfaction of hunting with repeating firearms that hold ~5 or 6 shots vs a single shot, or perhaps guns that use those new-fangled cartridges where you don't have to use flint or percussion caps to make it go boom. Maybe we should discuss why people are so interested in drawing lines and differentiating themselves from others.

I think Chance said it best a couple pages ago. Why must we focus and obsess on the differences between to build walls and sub-divide our small community between us rather the celebrating the differences and the fact that we have choices and different paths we can follow to the same end.

In closing, remember this - You are a unique individual, just like every single last one of the other 7.125 billion people on this great planet.