Originally Posted By: Gregg Richter
I studied the above links and:

the "hottest load" for the .44 magnum shows a 355 gr cast bullet at 1247 fps with 37,900 CUP's.


the "hottest load" for the .45 shows a 360 gr cast bullet at 1167 fps with only 29,800 CUP's.

These charts show the .44 as throwing a 355 gr. cast bullet 80 fps faster than the .45 throws a 360 gr. cast bullet. The trade-off is the .44 uses 8,100 more CUP's of pressure.

If you throw the .45 360 gr. cast bullet at the same 37,900 CUP's as the .44 uses, it would blow the .44 away in velocity. As someone has been saying over and over again and in different ways, physics is physics and doesn't change.

So who is "right or wrong" here? Both sides are correct. Until pressure is considered RELEVANT. Then the .45 wins.

Gregg, I think the stock ruger "theoretically" based on percentages of cylinder wall thickness etc should top out at 32,000. If you run to that, they are basically the same but the 45 does it with less pressure just due to the physics we are discussing. Neither is Bette than the other to me as long as you can hit with it. One is wider and that's about it. One may penetrate better due to slightly higher SD due to same weight slug in smaller diameter but for the stuff we normally shoot animal wise........you will never prove one is better than the ther most likely. Ford and Chevy thing.

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