Yeah I get what you guys are saying. I agree 100% with ya. I have never had a teacher for this stuff. My dad never got me outdoors much, or helped me with this type of stuff. What I do know, I learned pretty much on my own over the last 41 years. I feel like I've done pretty well, but I KNOW there is room for improvement.

Form?? There is proper FORM to shooting handguns?
Past the grip, everything changes for me all the time. I'm in different positions, angles, or whatever in my practice before hunting season. The only thing I try to keep the same, is my grip. After my wrists, all bets are off.

Like you say, someone with more experience would certainly be a HUGE help. But I'm the ONLY handgun hunter I know of in these parts. I've picked the minds of some of the other members on here, and gathered info from them. I do what I can, with what I have, and I'm satisfied for the most part. Striving for perfection is always my mindset, but in doing so, I think I need to understand that I shouldn't get frustrated if I can't get there. I'd love to shoot 1/2" groups at 50 yards off hand (Who wouldn't??!!), but in reality, I don't NEED to do that in order to be a capable handgun hunter.

I will always have room for improvement, but I also think I need to enjoy where my capabilities are at a little more than I actually do.

Last edited by raptortrapper; 11/04/2015 1:54 AM.

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.