It is with a very heavy heart that I bring this sad news to this website. We have lost a major contributor and helper "enabler" to our beloved sport of handgun hunting.

In actuality, HHI and the publication known as "THE SIXGUNNNER" have been recently terminated by JD Jones, who started it all way back in 1979.

Without any fan fare or pre-warnings, my JUNE "SIXGUNNER" which I received today bore the bad news. At first after a busy day, and staring at the printing with my blood-shot eyes (from the record heat we are experiencing) it did not seem to register. Then after I read it, again and again, the stark reality of it slowly sank in.

We have, indeed folks, lost a huge chunk of our handgun hunting posterity. Not to mention the SIXGUNNER publication where we could all write an article and share our experiences...

I can only add that we are all here in the same boat and, with HHI going south, we need to continue to, both inter-actively as well as financially when possible, contribute to keep THIS WEBSITE going, for this once again proves what a minority we as handgun hunters, really are.