Last Saturday ended the Muzzle loader deer season in Caldwell county here in North Carolina. I passed on a two year old seven pointer and a doe both 30 yard broadside shots.

My son and I were hunting in a trophy section of our hunting club. The buck did not meet the lower side of our requirements so I passed and the doe showed up in a food plot when I thought a big buck we had photos of might show. I had already killed two does with my bow the first week of bow season so I have been holding out for a good buck since then.

It is back to bow season for three weeks and then muzzle loader season opens up in this part of the state for two weeks. I will be back out with my Optima V2 then. In the mean time I will be getting some more practice with it and getting ready. I will bow hunt some but do not plan to fill anymore doe tags with my bow, saving them for my pistols, but would shoot a good buck if given the chance.

Has anyone else been hunting with their Optima V2 this season?

Last edited by REDHAWK1954; 10/17/2016 1:33 PM.

Michael Joe Moore