i would assume so. i know on james boar it had a huuuuuuge gristle plate. the oryx we would shoot would sometimes have thinner hide, some had a hide that would make some cape buff envious. i just relay info and bullet performance results on big things for those that may run and shoot big animals one day. i didn't have internet nor read mags (since i don't trust much that is written in commercial print) and i just floundered on game finding out what worked and what didn't. i've had the dubious distinction of watching expensive animals run off to finally be tracked down and find out how bad certain bullets failed. i've also seen 12K run off into the bush and seen friends watch their hard earned cash run off never to be found again...............all due to conventional wisdom and what is told on forums. i've seen numerous cast failures and seen numerous jacketed failures. worst part is that's where a ph or guide snickers and says "i really don't recommend you hunt these animals with those little toys (referring to pistols)" this portrays our sport poorly. i just called on a moose hunt for my daughter and had a guide in alaska tell me he wouldn't take her with a handgun. seen to many failures per the outfitter. we had a discussion of bullets and types and reliability but he is soured at the idea. that is all this is about. no amount of dead deer answers these questions. the OP was discussing 300+lb hogs, which are in no means in the same league as a 1000lb+ animal. so jacket seperation on the hogs would potentially be catastrophic on dangerous large game. if ya hunt hogs i would assume ya wanna be loaded properly for a giant 500lb+ monster boar? where gary shot his hog at my property we were moving some stands. a hog ran across the road and was nearly as long as the dirt road was wide. just a massive massive boar. should that critter step out, i would suggest knowing the limitations of your equipment. just my opinion. that's why these discussions are fun. thinking about the what-if's.

Last edited by tradmark; 12/14/2016 4:09 PM.