You know that dissension mentioned in the other thread?


The dude is a flamboyant long haired goofball. But, damn if he didn't do it. Good for him. I home he continues having success with his 10mm until something bigger and badder eats him with a smile.

Heck, I just started using the 10mm this year because well.......I don't have one and it was something new. Ya know, it worked on medium game to no surprise.

I really don't see what the fuss is about. Some don't think it's a good choice. Ok. One buff might argue that if he could. Some don't recommend using it on buff. Ok. Don't.

Cut the dude some slack. He used it. It worked. This time. And it will continue to work. Until it doesn't. And he might die. So what. His choice.

Just like everyone has.

Stop pissing in every bowl of cherios that doesn't taste right to you.

(Spoken to whomever it applies and I ain't pointing fingers. I'm talking to everyone tha downs another for their choice of gun, carrridge, bullet, method, and style. Give it a freaking REST! Same team, dammit!!!)

I love you all. As you were.


"To Hell with efficiency, it's performance we want!" - Elmer Keith