you guys are having a very good discussion-- you have noticed that here on this forum you are not agreeing on all of this
which ok-
this may have been mentioned (yes I have read all of the thread:)
Ross Sayfred? wrote that the ideal true big game cal was a .475 next a 500-which he stated was really good lion medicine
I would agree with Mr Ross
also I have an old American Handgunner in which a buff was taken by a custom .44 (very ugly by the way)with a 305 JDJ design cast
the picture shows that on the insurance shot from the front,the same bullet turned up the neck toward the shoulder and kept going having never even got in the skin- zero pent. and a ricochet
3 p's proper caliber-( Which is open to debate)-proper shot placement-- proper bullet-- as this is what puts the bite in the bark and makes the recoil hurt something else other than you-- again good discussion