I have question about a responses that hasn't been brought up yet (may be for good reason, but I don't know). I know there was lot of discussion about making sure your first shot is on target, but what about fast second (or third and fourth) shots on target? Is that on peoples minds when they make caliber choices? I am always conscious of the lack of a quick follow up shot with a single shot pistol and definitely pass on shots for that reason.

IMHO one of the advantages of a lower recoil round/platform (with demonstrated adequate performance) is lack of muzzle rise and reduced time to bring the sight back on target should a second shot be needed. In a charge situation, I think this would be of considerable benefit where a CNS is the only way to guarantee an instant drop. Is this a reasonable question or am I dragging up lots of baggage and stirring the pot?

Shooting large recoil weapons is one thing, but it is different from putting 2 or 3 shots on target as quickly and accurately as possible. Some might say this is this one of the things where in the heat of the moment you don't remember/notice, but the physics of the situation with the muzzle rise is not going to change.