When i say translate to a bigger animal im talking about that exact same bullet used and that exact bullet doing that on a bigger animal. Obviously it worked well many times for ya and thats not the issue. The bullet the gentleman above speaks of worked well for me many many times in the past then had some failures. Its just a discussion about ratio of good to bad and its no different than wvhitmans observations in the aframe thread. No harm no foul.

Neck and spine shots, to me, are different animals and the spine is a tough bone and i have no clue how much a 260 partition weighs after it shed the lead forward of the partition but yeah, i would be super impressed by that. It would make me take note for sure.

Ernie, its been my experience that hollow points that dont open do a poor imitation of cast bullets especially wfns. Illustrated by my sons wt deer last year shot several times thru the vitals with one that clearly didnt open. Didnt do near the damage of a flat nosed cast. Your experiences may vary from mime