Facts to consider.......

All animals react differently when hit.... one or two or whatever accounts of something not going the way you like with a bullets is still more than likely left in the guessing realm and not necessarily the fact side.

A bullet in the vitals will kill the animal. Shot placement trumps all else.

If you don't want to track....punch both shoulders...

The bullet, gun, scope, rings, bases, and other things are all the easy scape goat for shooter error.

I have been fortunate enough to take a lot of fair chase game. Used sierra, xtp, barnes, cast, and Im sure some others along the way. As long as I did my part meat was in the freezer. If I didn't have meat in the freezer 99.9% of the time it was my fault.

Last edited by SacredCrows; 11/14/2017 4:06 PM.