It was 29 degrees out opening morning, I was enjoying seeing several does and smaller bucks moving along the ridge. It was getting to be late morning close to 11:00am and I was just beginning to think about heading back to the cabin to warm up and get something to eat when this buck came busting out of the thicket to my left. He stopped about 65-70 yards to my direct left. I was sitting in a elevated stand, but he saw me draw my revolver and turn towards him. He wasn't sure what I was and turned into me giving me a quartering on shot. I fired into his right shoulder obviously breaking it as he ran away with his right leg hanging. He made it about 50 yards and stopped before falling over. The slug broke the right shoulder transversed the main arteries of the heart, top of off-side lung and came to rest just under the skin between two ribs.
The gun was my 8" Colt Python w/4x Leupold EER scope. She is sighted dead on at 75 yards. I was using my reloads with Hornady 140FTX. I believe it would have been a complete pass through if I hadn't ran it through the shoulder bone. The bullet was a perfect mushroom and performed exactly as it should.
The buck has 12 score-able points (there is a 2" tine off the back beam that you can't see in the photo and he weighed 189 lbs field dressed based on the meat processors scale.