Originally Posted By: SacredCrows
 Originally Posted By: Raptortrapper
Why don't bullet makers have published recommended speeds for each species? I know its not an absolute, but wouldn't that put a template down to kinda prevent some of the bullet failures? I know there are a lot of "what ifs" in this, but after all, it is a hypothetical question.

Too many what ifs. And you couldn?t possibly replicate every animal in a lab. They publish or will provide recommended minimum and maximum speeds for general use.

Yup, I know. That's why it was just hypothetical. But it'd be nice to have. But, as we all know and have seen evidence of, even within their recommended velocities we still have failures. Guess I was just thinking out loud...

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

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