Originally Posted By: Mngunnut
Would you go with 4.62 barrel or the 6.5 barrel? I?m thinking I might actually sell some of my other guns to start getting some handguns to hunt with. Because there is a lot of choices and I feel like I need to buy to new ones.

Personally I would go with the 6.5". I have Rugers in both lengths and like them both. I am sure you will get replies that the shorter barrel is more portable, and to some small degree it is, but the 6.5" for me is not an issue with regard to carry. They are easier to shoot well, and the 10mm definitely benefits (velocity) with more barrel length.

Many years ago my first Blackhawk was ordered as a 4 5/8" 41 Mag. What I got was a 41 with 6.5" instead. (Long story why it could not be returned). I have not been without a 6.5" since. Carried on a belt in a Bianchi #1, a Barranti NW Mountain Companion X Draw, or any of the great chest holsters and you will have a great hunting/hiking rig.
