As many of you are now aware, will go offline June 1st. I don't blame Gary at all for pulling the plug, but I for one am not ready to see it go. This may be blind idealism talking, but I've been thinking of some ideas to keep this community together.

1. I'll buy the domain. I've asked Gary about the ins and outs of buying and keeping the website operational. If it's reasonable, I'll see about buying it myself. I'll keep y'all updated.

2. Fundraising campaign. If I'm incapable of buying the domain/website, I propose a fundraiser. Maybe something like a GoFundMe, Kickstarter, Patreon, or even just plain old donations so we can get the site going, either to assist Gary if finances are the biggest hurdle to maintaining the site, or to allow a group of us to purchase and maintain it.

3. Joining another site together. In the event we can't save, I propose we come together to decide/vote on another website we can all join together. Having dealt with Facebook pages and not being fond of them, I'd prefer if it was a forum like this one. It's not ideal, but if we can still get together and talk handgun hunting and shooting, I'm all for it. If we do, we should have a phrase or logo in the signature line marking us as former HHM members.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I apologize if I'm stepping out of line suggesting things like this, but I really don't want to see this site go. I love the forum and all my fellow members, and I want to do everything in my power to see our community stay together.

Formerly TN Lone Wolf

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided." - J.K. Rowling