The horse named opinion here is way too tall. And facts are skewed with very little data to come to a accurate and reasonable conclusion.

The only one I have ever seen post complete data gathered from any bullet is zee. He post pictures through the entire post shot process. Details range, load data, estimated impact velocity and so on. The only way I know Anything about him is through reading the forum posts.

Someone?s background doesn?t make up for lack of evidence in a scientific discussion. If you don?t look at this as a scientific discussion your more than likely missing a lot of facts.

You can?t have a quarter, half, 3/4 the data and draw a complete conclusion. You need every piece of data otherwise your stating opinion......and opinions are worth about zero.

People desire facts to help them make decisions on their hunting equipment....opinions you can get from the rookie at the gun counter...

Whether it?s cup and core, lead, bonded, solid or whatever all the major bullet makers produce an acceptable product if used within its limitations....and they all have limitations.

I would suggest settling down on the opinion and beef up on the fact finding....produce complete data....then you?ll have a leg worth standing on in an argument.