I got a contender with a 45/410 barrel for a canoe trip grouse gun back in the mid 90s. Around that time Minnesota changed their deer hunting regs to allow pistol use anywhere in the state (long guns are divided with shotguns in the flatter, open and more populated south and rifles in the wooded north). After a long absence from hunting, I started again around 2009 on some land in the shotgun country and was soon looking for better and more enjoyable options (This was also about the time that MN DNR did their lead particles in deer study and I got into reloading for affordable non-lead options). I ordered a BB 17hmr and a factory 30-30 and promptly fell of the deep end according to my wife. I wouldn't say I find contender hunting that much more challenging, rather they are different challenges then slug hunting and a LOT more fun practicing with a lot more attention to detail. This year I'm going to work a GP100 into the mix for the first time, but I will still bring the single shot to the stand for long shots.