Kind of a side note to the match. My son wanted to shoot my XP in 221 on the steel and less than 5 shots into the match the bolt pulled all the way out of the receiver. It wasn't a safety issue but the bolt stop was gone. I had him keep on shooting he just had to ease the bolt back till it ejected. [221 is not enough gun for the full size air reset rams].At home pulled the gun down and the pin holding the bolt stop had worked out and fallen down into the stock.First time in the 40 + yrs. I have owned the gun. It is a short blind pin so I put everything back together and will add a small dab of lock tight to the outside to keep it from happening again. When stuff like this happens its a minor aggravation that's all, you just deal with it,and go on. In life just when you think you have the world by the tail, [censored] Happens!!!!!!!!
