Saturday was opening day of our muzzle loading season. Saturday morning I was hunting a box blind over looking a hay field which has woods on three sides and boarders a soybean field also. We had photos of one mature buck six two year olds and several 1 1/2 year old bucks at this spot.

My son was hunting a popup blind a couple of hundred yards inside the main woods. He passed on seven does that morning while I did not see anything.

We decided to hunt the same stands that afternoon. About 5:00 pm my son saw a six point but did not shoot.

About thirty minutes before dark I caught movement in the woods behind the back left corner of the field. A year old doe and a mature doe stepped out and started eating corn that we had placed in the field. I had decided not to kill a doe on opening day and sure did not want to kill one that afternoon with Alabama and LSU playing at 8:00 pm.

About that time a buck stepped out and moved toward the larger doe and she trotted across the field and into the woods, not wanting anything to do with him.

The buck started eating corn. I had a decision to make about if I was going to shoot him or not. If we had been hunting club land he would have not been legal but we were on family land and I could shoot him if I decided too.

After five minutes or so he started to walk across the field and headed towards where the doe had gone. I finally decided to shoot since he was larger then any other buck I had killed with a pistol.

I placed the cross hairs just behind his shoulder and touched the trigger. At the shot he jerked his head up and trotted into the woods. A few seconds later I thought I heard him fall but was not sure.

I texted my son and told him what had happened and he said to slip down and see if I could find blood. That was when I realized that the young doe was still in the field. We both did not want the doe to see me get out of the blind so I had to wait ten or fifteen minutes for her to finally decide to leave.

To make a long story short we could not find much blood. After several minutes we decided that I would come back after Sunday School the next morning since it was suppose to be a cold night.

When I got back to where we had stopped looking I looked up the ridge and he was laying just twenty five yards away with his white belly facing away from me.

I was one happy camper. I gutted the buck and waited on my son to get home and help me get him out of the woods. The meat was fine and I am taking it to be processed this afternoon.

Last edited by REDHAWK1954; 11/09/2018 5:13 PM.

Michael Joe Moore