Here is a picture of Thunder Beast in the field. I had no more than taken this picture when I spotted a large doe about 130 yards West of the tower stand. After milling around eating for about 10 minutes, she bedded down until about 4:20 PM.

Thunder Beast's first Range visit.

Close up of the Four Gill Muzzle Brake.

My target from the first 50 rounds of chronograph work. The range was only about 35 yards. The Velocity Spread was 2395 fps thru 2852 fps. That was the reason for all the vertical spread. A 450 fps velocity difference from Mild to near Maximum.

So far I have been very impressed with this build. Mike Russell "Legacy Gun Cases" should have my custom 26" case with shoulder strap delivered shortly. I will still need to scope the Bullberry 260 barrel. Probably a 3-12 Burris.

Bob R

Last edited by Bob Roach; 11/20/2018 2:47 PM.

See You At The Range