Originally Posted By: Franchise
I couldn't agree more. If your bullet is up to it, velocity is a HUGE asset! Thors hammer is a lot more effective when thrown than when tossed.

Welll said, and whit you couldnt be more right. There has been some big misconceptions bandied about for years in the worldof handgun hunting that i feel are just wrong wrong wrong! If your bullet will take it, velocity is what makes a bigger wound channel and when you actually kill big animals. A 357 with the proper expandable like an aframe will make a much bigger wound channel than a 475 cal at a minimal velocity like 900 fps. Ive seen my fair share of large bovines and elk along with oryx take alot of killing that it makes me wonder what some are talking about.

Last edited by tradmark; 01/10/2019 4:17 AM.