I would suggest those of you that have not considered an African hunt to at least give it a look. I hunted the Eastern Cape SA for 8 days, took 6 nice animals and had a fantastic adventure for about the price of an Elk hunt. Like the others have said, it?s an experience well beyond the hunt itself. Check out my 3 stories in the articles section. My PH is a native to South Africa and he made the hunt and adventure of it all a fantastic event for me. The terrain where we were is very similar to the Southwest. I mentioned the mountain terrain and the challenging climbs that we have in the US so he took me on a Warthog hunt to a lost valley that he said he rarely hunts because of the difficulty. It was awesome. All of my animals were spot and stalk with lots of miles walked.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,... "
Matthew 28:19

Handgun hunter since 1979 - haven't used a rifle since!
HHI member #992, NRA, SCI.