Don't expect customer support from RCBS on this product or any

RCBS branded items... That's the way it was for me recently when

the handle on my RCBS Summit press broke... Z E R O help from them.

ALL calls to RCBS, CCI, SPEER, Federal Premium Ammo go to the SAME

switchboard... Regardless of the number listed on the different

companies... Last year l bought 2 sleeves of Federal Large Pistol

primers. At least that's what they were labeled... 0pened the pkg.

they were really Large RIFLE.. I have no use for Ten Thousand rifle

primers... l called Federal for a solid month every couple of days..

NEVER got any helpful response. That day forward, before l buy

ANYTHING l check and see if they are owned by VISTA OUTDOORS.

VISTA OUTDOORS has been boycotted by the NRA since 2018. For

good reasons too!!