My dad just gave me his Ruger Super Single Six that he's had since 1983. I didn't even know he ever had this revolver!!! I've been doing a lot of fur trapping lately, and he's always had an interest in doing it, or going along with me. I mentioned that I was going to start looking for a small .22 revolver to take on the trap line. He said, "Well I've got one I never use. Only time I remember using it was on a rabbit hunt once, and I hit a jackrabbit on the run with it."

My jaw hit the friggin floor! My old man shot a rabbit, on the run, with a revolver!!! How did I not know about this???!!! Long story short, he sent this to me...

Took it out this past Saturday with a few different kinds of ammo. It shot all but one of them very well. The one it didn't like was a 22mag solid with a flat nose. The rest all shot under 1" at 15 yards. I figured I try hitting the hanging 8" steel disk targets with it at 50 yards, and it did very well. Hit many more than missed.

Like I said before, my dad has had an interest in my fur trapping, and always wants to know when I catch something. With this revolver, he'll be able to travel the trap line with me long after he's gone. I'll give up my right arm before this revolver leaves me.

A lot of people are like a slinky: Not much fun till you push them down the stairs!

Lifetime Member of the NRA! Wish I'd a done it sooner.