Theres an interesting article about the cylinder to forcing cone length jump amd velocity article from years ago when looking at the actual increase in velocity that was seen when testing revolvers vs semi autos and the higher velocity out of the revolvers despite not have longer barrels. Yes cylinder gap helps as well but its been my experience that even the 500?s without gain twist rifling are significantly slower than their bfr counterparts. I also dont know how much the long cylinder affects accuracy since mine have been very accurate as well as the smiths. That said, in response to what has been or needed to be sent back; ive had 6 fa guns. Two had to go back due to having chambers too tight. One was a serial breaker of firing pins until they addressed that issue. One had the ability to get to the half cock position not work after a few months. Fa?s customer is exemplary and all guns fixed and returned in no time. Ive sent lots of my smiths back. Great guns but just not too durable if shot alot with heavy loads. Only guns i havent sent back are the bfr?s and ive been really fortunate with my super redhawks.