Remote locations for big game...........of course. Let?s be real. That?s a given.

Without antlers or horns, about all one has to brag about on a pig are tusks or weight. I still contend that many pigs are misjudged on the side of too heavy. Some grossly so. I also believe that some (not all) outfitting locations want a hunter to feel that his pig is bigger than it really is because it can boost their bookings with pictures and tales of huge monster ?Russian Bar?.

I?m not pointing fingers at any hunter here. Just saying..........the internet is full of 400-500 pound ?Russian Boar? kills that well............maybe ain?t quite so gargantuan.

Not many wild feral pigs get that big. Though it does occur in locations with lots of agg or food.

Pen raised for release (I?ve seen those operations) and mixed domestic/wild breeds that are also ?pen raised?, can get quite large.

Not arguing or trying to start one. I just know when many hunters claim a 400 probably wasn?t weighed.

Oh well, if it makes?em feel better. Have at it. 😎

"To Hell with efficiency, it's performance we want!" - Elmer Keith