I had a great group of guys come in right after Dave and his family left. Two of them were hunting buddies from Washington and Idaho and the other was a brother from Dallas. They killed 6 pigs in 2 days but had some misses as well. I'm thinking I may throttle the hog hunts back to one a month just to assure everyone has plenty of opportunities. I couldn't in good conscience take someone's money and not truly believe everyone will shoot some pigs. Dave and his family are assured a spot for as long as they care to hunt with me. As I was telling Dave, I'd really like to have the same people come and hunt every year so relationships can be established and trust built both ways. I think about may or June, we will transition to night hunting over cow peas, millet, and hay grazer fields. I have a rifle set up for this that hunters can use or, I also have a predator light that could be used with a scoped handgun. I really prefer and enjoy the handgun and bow hunters. They seem to care much more about the hunt and not just the kill.