I ended up coming home with the 22 rifle for my son and the 357 and 223 contenders. I didn't look too closely, but I think the XP was a left hand rear grip stock (sculpted finger grips). These were on consignment and I think someone messed up on pricing. The 22 rifle came with a $160 voodoo tactical rifle case (looked new) and a cheap (but functional) sightron 3x9 scope with rail and rings. The rifle will make a nice Christmas present come December. It will be a few years before he can shoot it on his own without an adult, but I think it will be pretty exciting when he unwraps it.

There are barrel clamp style sling/bipod mounts on all the guns, but luckily the previous owner had lined the clamps with some thick tape so it didn't leave any mark on the rifle barrel. I need to get some paperwork in line before picking up the pistols.