You know, us southern boys catch a lot of crap. I'm starting to think it's worth it. No waiting periods, i can loan out a gun, my kids can shoot a handgun and do. My son was 3 three when i met his mother. One of the first things i tought him (after how to pee standing up) was tying his shoes and gun handling. Him and my daughter are the only 3 year olds i know that would put on the safety,open the bolt and check the chamber as soone as they were handed a rifle. At 10 he now shoots a Mini-bolt,MK III a BH in 30 carbine and my SBH. My daughter has a pink Cricket and a Bearcat. To tell the truth, i trust them with a gun more than some adults i know. When i pick them up on my weekends its still one of the things they like to do.