I'm from Southeast PA. and have always enjoyed handguns much more than rifles, so handgun hunting was a natural for me. I'm really more of a double action revolver fan than anything, but I do own a Contender. As soon as I turned 21 I bought a 4" Colt python and have been hooked on Colts ever since. However with Colt all but out of the handgun manufacturing business, their handguns have gotten pretty pricey. Now I find myself considering Smith and Wesson rather than Colt. Unfortunately as the kids grew up I found too little time for the handguns and foolishly sold them off. Worse yet, I hunted with a rifle. (Thank goodness for archery season.) Anyhow, now that the kids are grown, I'm trying to accumulate a collection of what I consider to be "must own" handguns to pass on to them.