Glad you were able to get out before your surgery. Espically spending time with your daughter. I will be in prayer for you and a quick recovery. I've had 8 back surgeries due to 2 accidents. First I fell out of a deer stand and fractured two vertebrae. This was in 1996. Then in 2001 I was fishing a bass tournament when I was hit by another boat. In this accident I fractured all of my lower lumbar vertebrae and broke my pelvis in 4 places. The result has been a life of pain, pills, and doctor visits. I have yet to find that any surgery has helped with my pain other than the bolts holding my pelvis together. I will not have another back surgery unless it is life or death. Also, the pain meds can be a problem unto them selves when you stay on them long term. Many times they bill these surgeries as out patient and minimally invasive, but don't be fooled. There is no such thing as a minimally invasive back surgery. Be prepared to take it easy for a while. Don't push it. You will only set yourself back if you push it to hard to soon. I know from experience. But there is hope. I am doing the best that I've done since the last accident. My pain is finally under control due to a new med. (Non narcotic) I finally feel like I have my life back and can do most of what I could before the accidents. I have 3 small children one of which is just getting to the hunting age. He killed his first buck last year, an 8 point. I am finally enjoying hunting, fishing, and life in general again for the first time since my accident in 2001. I, like you, love the outdoors. To celebrate or sorts I am having Gary Reeder build me a 475 LB. I am looking forward to getting it hopefully before gun season opens. This will be my first attempt at handgun hunting. I hope the best for you with your surgery and I will promise to be in prayer for you. I know I don't know you but I do feel for others with back problems. I know how debilitating it can be. Enjoy the things that are important, God, family, and the outdoors. Life is shorter than most realize and can be changed in the blink of an eye. I pray for your speedy and complete recovery. Good Luck and God Bless!