I carry and use both. I have some Ruger Bisleys tuned and customized by some great 'smiths (Stroh, Bowen and Clements and gripped by Kolar and Fishpaw) and 2 T/C's by Bellm and Shot's (ok ok, end of unsolicited endorsement and commercial). They are just toooo cool not to hunt with.
Now for pot-stirring time: since I started handgun hunting, I kinda look at rifles as "deer sniping", too. I have my first few with rifles, but think that I have progressed to the next level. Not chumping anyone who rifle-hunts...at least they are in the woods, so they have just as much of a voice. Besides, pistol hunters are still looked at as the "lunatic fringe" when it comes to big game hunting. I, for one, am damn glad to be numbered in these ranks!!! It is just a different skill set.
Besides, I relish the looks that I get from the guys in my club when I drag in a deer shot with my short gun...

Courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway.