Originally Posted By: jwarren
 Originally Posted By: jwp475

The fallacy that FPE is "transferred" is simply not correct and not possible. A bullet strike is an inelastic collision and as such most of the energy is transformed into other forms of energy Mostly Thermal energy.

Well, this explanation is not quite complete.

In it's being transformed into thermal energy, it is transformed into internal thermal energy that causes deformation of the body tissue and radiates outward from the collision point when involving mediums such as flesh.

SO, for all practical purposes, bullets do transfer energy.....it is just in unmeasurable and diverse forms.

Nope, that is done by the momentum transfer and the amount of direct applied force and the hydraulic pressure created which is a function of velocity

Rmemeber the ballistics pendulem measures momentum transfers "not energy", because energy can only be calculated.

Last edited by jwp475; 11/25/2010 1:33 PM.