Living in Arkansas i can say that a big boar hog is in the 200lbs range. Most of them that I have taken here have been between 80-150lb range. There are some large hogs (north of 300lbs) but they are not common here.

According to two biologist friends of mine the average bear weights are between 300-400lbs. There are some larger than that here but thats an average. Having no desire to kill a bear I didnt know much about them other than where they are mostly at in the state.

For me I like the versatility of the .44mag but you should be fine with the earlier statement by infantryhammer of 158gr payloads. They served me well in the past. Just make sure that you carry in the open if you dont have a CCW license from a state that has restiprosity with ours. If your unsure I know some people here who I can ask if your states CCW is honored here or not. The National Forest falls under federal guidelines but AGFC does patrol there and they tend to follow the state regs more than federal regs.

Do not take your greatness to the graveyard!!