Hello Everyone,
After numerous posts seeking knowledge on this great site...
I thought I should officially introduce myself. Forgive me for not doing it sooner... just my being hesitant arround new folks.
Anyways, I'm 69 yrs old, in the process of a divorce that is very amicable, have a daughter who is 21 & going for her MBA as a Physicians Assistant.
I've been hunting, fishing, camping since I was 12.... love the outdoors. I grew up in New York's Westchester County, my Dad taught me fishing, my friend taught me hunting, my shop teacher taught me hunting & camping.... still learning!
Health has been going uphill after open heart and cancer surgery.
I drink too much, quit smoking 15 years ago... is this too personal? That's me!
Getting back in shape for Coyote and Grouse Hunting this Fall...
Avid Steelhead Fisherman on Lake Erie, PA Tribs... tie my own flies thanks to my Dad.
