jwp....I completely agree with you about the bullets. My observations come from 40+ deer kills w/ a .243W and 75gr VM's out to 500yds. Out to 375-ish the bullet stays in the deer most of the time with a shoulder shot. The MV and impact V are such that the bullet fragments violently. Beyond 400yds the bullets begin to exit as the impact V is low enough to not violently effect the bullet and they act more like a conventional bullet but yield small exit wounds...and I do realize that they are only .243" bullet so doubling size is still only .5". Internally there is damage but not radical as you would expect. I've not shot anything over 500yds with the .243W so I have nothing to add there.

I wanted to note more but was running out the door at the time....and by all means, post the video link!! I like seeing critters get tipped over at LR!

 Originally Posted By: Whitworth

Dan, I wasn't being critical of you....

I did not take it as such......was just making more of an observation for all of us to consider.

Exodus 20:5-11
Matthew 5:18
Revelation 22:14

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